Welp, I'm stumped. How do we get past the guards?
I try talking to the royalty, but they're pretty useless, choosing to lay in their bedroom in despair instead of dispensing any useful information or aid. And Jema is nowhere to be seen.
Frustrated, I run around in circles for a bit until randomly hitting the next event trigger - that being talking to this Luna lookalike who randomly showed up here. She abruptly vanishes, and the team deduces she must've ended up in the southern ruins, somehow.
Phanna is mind controlled and thinks she's going on a vacation or something. She literally slaps Luna when the latter tries to dissuade her! And Luna, in turn, slaps the guards out of the way! Cool move, but, uh,
why didn't you do it sooner?!
The ruins are home to zombies, strange tomato faced men that seemingly can't be hurt with regular attacks, and flying animated sword that are quite hard to hit. The enemies were manageable, but the tomato men and swords ended up putting a huge strain on the team's mana, and I found myself wishing for mana restoratives not too far in!
Thankfully, the dungeon wasn't too long, and they soon arrived at its end, where Thanatos stood atop a raised platform with masked people surrounding him at all sides. He certainly didn't skimp on his grandeur! He delivers a moustache twirling, overtly villainous speech about how they're already too late, how he has Dyluck and Phanna in the palm of his hand, and how he needs their souls to create a new, peaceful world.
He caps it off by hurling the team down a Looney Toons trapdoor! Well, alright. Lol.
They end up in some sort of trapped chamber, guarded by...a sentient wall? It drains HP from time to time, making it rather obnoxious, but it isn't too hard, and on the second try it goes down without much danger. Was quite the slugfest though, the team's attacks kept missing even with the Speed Up buff, which supposedly boosted their hit rate and evasion, and the wall kept healing and reviving its eyes. At the end of the day I went through a fair fistful of sweets and even three revives!
Thanatos, seeing his trap well and truly defeated, decides to run off with Dyluck and Phanna. I swear, this villain is even more cliche ridden than your average B movie villain. In any case, his flight breaks his spell on the townsfolk, and their souls are restored.
Oh, and Jema was among the mind controlled! He doesn't really say much though, just speculates on why Thanatos pulled his little stunt here and points the team back in the direction of Luka's place.
The royalty even heaps prizes on the team! Most of the chests only have a small amount of gold, but two of them contain spear and sword upgrades, which handily also grants them access to level 3 weapons! Or, according to this game, level 2 weapons. Definitely a worthwhile haul either way.
After a bit of forging and touring, we end back at Luka's, where we find that the Water Palace's seed was stolen. Ugh, are there no competent Mana protectors besides our team? Luka thinks the seed was taken below the dwarven cave, and sends the team back there.
The team finds an even bigger hole at the village's center, which sends them landing on a fancy warship!
The ship is surprisingly quite short, after picking one whip upgrade the team ends up running into its crew, a trio of thieves in ridiculous getup who call themselves the Scorpion Army. They use the seed to power a robot, but it backfires and gets out of control!
It also ends up being an extremely unimpressive opponent, relying too heavily on moogling the team. As such, it didn't even deserve a screenshot. The thieves quickly flee, the seed is retrieved, and the team hurries back to the Water Palace, hoping that this backtrack heavy sequence was at an end...
Only to find the Palace full of fish enemies. Huh? What was going on?
Oh. The evil empire had begun moving at last, and captured the Water Palace while they were away. I get a choice to hand the seed or run, and choose the latter, only to have Geshtar trash the party and claim the seed anyway!
He also summoned a boss, but well, the team beat it
without using more than two spellcasts worth of MP. That alone should tell you how pathetic it was. I also discover what the barrel does - it grants temporary invincibility, making it quite the nifty, if expensive item indeed!
Apparently the Empire was turned back, but they're running out of time, and the team needs to pick up pace with the whole restoring Excalibur thing, as only it can blow up the fortress. Luka instructs them to travel to the Upper Land, Kard's homeland, via the cannoneer close to Revi's home village! Talk about awkward.....
Also we got another whip upgrade. Yayyyyy! However, this is where my session ends today. Next time we upgrade the whip further and journey to new lands! How exciting!