You paid $20 for the strategy guide and it pointed you to a website that was sporadically available. Still stings 24 years later.The game is a bit guide-baity
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You paid $20 for the strategy guide and it pointed you to a website that was sporadically available. Still stings 24 years later.The game is a bit guide-baity
I quite liked this story choice. It plays well in contrast to Kuja's cruelty and callousness elsewhere - the cruelty was never even the point, it was always always about his own narcissistic ego. The same reason he leaves Zidane alive in Burmecia.I agree with Felix that Cid's wife just being a well treated, but un-needed captive of Kuja felt like a let down. They set her up early and I was excited to learn what happened to her. I was disappointed that she was completely unconnected to the plot, other than she heard Kuja's plan so she tells us what to do next.
The wounds reopen...You paid $20 for the strategy guide and it pointed you to a website that was sporadically available. Still stings 24 years later.
These are all pros to me, haha. I like both focused and meandering stories for different reasons, but in a game like FF10 - its focus on a single journey/destination I thought made for a much more compelling story versus some of the other entries to the franchise where it feels often like the characters/player lacks any real motivation to do what they're doing. Also I'll gladly take short and sweet stories over long ones these days. Especially with the amount of padding/fluff many games use to extend the playtime that are often not fun.My main complaint at the time was how few times the story’s status quo/main mission changed meaningfully. It made the plot feel more linear and shorter than the previous games where your objectives seemed to shift more often.
I always wonder how much of this was 100% planned. Your first two fights with Seymour are at some of your party's lowest points, but by the time you are at your final Seymour battle, he is almost a rounding error of a villain. Bro, we just carved our way into the world destroyer, what is your undead ass going to do to us? The gang has their resolve at that point, Seymour is appropriate as an afterthought on the way to the finale.The last fight with Seymour was a joke.