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HyperComboChat! (Fighting Game Thread)

I picked up Tekken 7 because I was craving a fighting game and noticed that complete game with all DLC is now frequently on sale in the $10-15 range. This is the first time I've played a game in the series since Tekken 3 on PS1. I don't think I'll ever get out of scrub ranks because I'm never going to practice that much, but it's a fun game to mess around with nonetheless. I'd definitely recommend picking this up on a sale and doing content tourism. I'm pretty sure this is also the first fighting game I've played since rollback netcode became mostly standard for major fighting games, and online matches definitely feel much smoother than I remember them ever feeling before.

Trying to find a main by selecting characters who look cool, I first bounced off of Xiaoyu after finding her stance management a bit too fiddly and then bounced off Hwoarang after not liking the feel of his flamingo stances. After bouncing off a number of other characters who looked cool but that worked for me even less (Kasumi, Jin, Lee, etc) I finally tried out Leo, who I really clicked with. Leo does still have kind of psuedo-stances, but they're transient stances that just exist temporarily to branch out into other moves (or bait someone into thinking you are), so the stances feel less onerous to manage. Also, I just think Bajiquan looks cool, and the animations feel great.

Apparently there's a community consensus that Leo is "boring," but that might be why Leo works for me as a beginner character while I learn the ropes of Tekken.


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
because of the steam sale i've finally picked up tekken 7 (and soul calibur 6) on pc as well. i messed around with tag 2 for a while when it was new, but felt like i never started to "get it," and for a long time i considered 3d games (at least what i'd consider "the big 3" (those two and VF) since i've never really touched DOA or a lot of weird smaller games) to be something i didn't really understand. but after my experience playing splatoon 3 and learning from almost nothing to reach a point i've gotten really happy with, i feel like i've completely changed my mind, and want to spend some time playing fighting games i can really forgive myself for feeling weak at again, and ones where i'll have a chance to start building up that knowledge, and my own attitude, in a constructive way, focusing on thinking positively and understanding what's happening over my...sort of machine-learning-esque approach to 2d games over the years. just doing stuff and trying to do more of things that work and less of things that don't. and even when i figure out "what people want to do" not actually having good ideas of how to counter it

i kinda dove into this on old soulcal games first though because those are what i have nostalgia for, and it's been interesting coming back into that with a few ideas of what's important and the stuff i struggled with before but realizing i'd still get a chance to basically build totally new habits and ideas. there's a real "zoning" aspect to characters with big weapons like nightmare/siegfried and astaroth, where even against the CPU you can't rely solely on trying to run in to close space on them like works on many of the other CPUs. of course, running straight in is silly anyway, because a lot of the longest pokes for any character are direct mid attacks. and i've quickly realized the sort of defensive interplay of various options as well, like the way that guarding and sidestepping/backdashing are somewhat mutually exclusive. trying to organize these ideas into something along with attacking and setting up situations is tough! but it's exciting. i'm not even sure how much i'll try to play people in the game, although i know a couple people who netplay 1 (which has GGPO fightcade) and/or 2 (which seems to be a bit more popular but only has delay-based on dolphin)

tekken i just started poking at, i think i want to play lidia the most for now, but i've been just kind of messing around to get used to some ideas and watching videos to get an idea of baseline stuff

also when people say a character is boring they really do usually mean "good and not super technical/flashy" which i very much agree with being a good place to start learning


cyber true color
(she/her, or something)
it's sort of wild how snk started rolling out their grand transition to 3d, like, a decade into the HD era, but i like the style they've settled on and they keep improving it. this game seems to go even further than kof15 in giving the characters and background that kind of arcadey "pop" with stuff like the bright signs and cool lighting, and it meshes great with those kind of filter effects during the super zooms which deemphasize the backgrounds a bit without totally hiding them (though i love stuff like that too during capcom super KOs or guilty gear xx dust, haha).

the effects are a big upgrade too. everything comes together for a moving comic kind of look i'm loving


(he / his / him)
Seconding spines; I think this is SNK's best looking and most vibrant 3D fighter thus far, and I'm really pumped.


Summon for hire
Hah, the filter effect is straight up screen-tone over the background, I love it.

Mr Bean

Chief Detective
EVO was last weekend and I’ve been catching up on the top 6s for the games I couldn’t see live. The Guilty Gear Strive set is a real stand out so far:

I really like the idea of Virtua Fighter, but I can't find a single character that I feel like has execution I can handle. Whoever I try, I feel like I just can't do a huge number of the commands consistently.