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Help me choose a spoopy movie a day for October

Johnny Unusual

What should I watch tomorrow?

Dark Water – The original Japanese version. Which sadly, lacks John C Reilly.

Hide and Seek – This is a Robert DeNiro movie and I feel like I heard it’s a movie with a dumb twist. But not “interesting” dumb.

Family Pack – This seems less overtly Halloweeny but Netflix did have it in their Halloween section.

Cursed – It’s got werewolves. That’s about all I know.

Rottentail – A geek is bitten by a radioactive rabbit and becomes a rabbit man thing

Alone in the Dark – Man, I think my randomization has gotten me a pretty terrible selection tonight,

Johnny Unusual

What should I watch tomorrow night?

Death Walks at Midnight – A giallo I must admit I’m not aware of.

Hold Your Breath – A ghost movie set during the Dust Bowl

Outside – An Asian zombie movie… at 2 hours and 20 mins? That’s an ask.

The Company of Wolves – I have seen this before but this is a pretty cool wolf movie

Sissy – I know this one came out this year and got good reviews but that’s about it.

Man-Thing – I love the character but this is generally regarded as among the worst movies based on a Marvel comic. Still, curious as to how they fucked it up.

Johnny Unusual

Deep Red- I just watched a giallo but dang is this a good one.

Jagged Mind – This seems more like a romantic thriller than a horror but who am I to question Disney Plus?

Apostle – Not the Robert Duvall movie. In fact, all I know is it’s not a Robert Duvall movie.

Silent Hill – Somehow I haven’t seen this but I saw the sequel IN THEATRES.

Spookies – I feel like this might be a fun bad movie. Can anyone verify?

Boogeyman – Neither the recent one nor the bizarro 80s one.
Just rewatched Silent Hill. It looks great and correctly just took the music from the game, I think. Dialogue and some of the acting is unfortunately not great and the narrative structure also just seems… video game-y in a way that doesn’t really work. For sure worth watching at least once a decade though.

Haven’t seen Deep Red in decades. I think I liked other Argento movies more but I’m sure it’s good.

Johnny Unusual

What should I watch tomorrow. This is my last one of these for the season because I have a double feature lined up for Halloween.

Don’t Torture a Duckling – A Lucio Fulci giallo
Jennifer’s Body – I remember not being wild about it on my first watch but people seem to love this so I’d be happy to give it another chance.
Don’t Move – Hey, don’t tell me what to do, movie.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers – The 70s one. I saw it forever ago. Love Donald Sutherland.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe – I’ve heard this is good. An Autopsy gets increasingly creepier for Brian Cox and his son.
The Visitor – I hear this one is completely unhinged and is about space Jesus or something.