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February 2025 New Games Thread


The basic idea is to list new games that you are interested in, as well as games you are potentially curious about or want to give wider attention to. You can briefly describe them or ask other people to help fill you in. The hope is that regular threads like these can act as a collective filter/discovery mechanism to help people decide what is worth checking out.

"New games" means any new title that is being released or ported this month in any capacity (not "backlogs/what you are playing this month"). The angle here is sharing your anticipation and promoting game discovery (as opposed to sharing comments about a first playthrough in progress - that belongs elsewhere).

  • If you want a handy list that covers most of the major upcoming games of the month, here are lists of upcoming games:
Here are the subscription service lists for this month:

  • Far Cry New Dawn (February 4)
  • Madden (February 6th)
  • Kingdom Two Crowns (February 13th)
  • Avowed (February 18)
  • More TBD
  • Payday 3 | PS5 Feb 4
  • High on Life | PS4, PS5 Feb 4
  • Pac-Man World Re-Pac | PS4, PS5 Feb 4
Feel free to post other lists or list videos that you find useful.
If there is already a thread on TT about a game, please add a link to it.

Final request: If you are the first person to mention a game please provide (at minimum) a short sentence description. (If it is a very big AAA release though, then don't worry about it.) This is a good convention that makes the thread more useful as a discovery mechanism, and especially helps out anyone who doesn't follow the news as closely as you.
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Oh! Create!
(they/them, she/her)
Under Defeat is receiving a port treatment by City Connection. It's not the the G.rev shooter I'd most like to see (that goes to Border Down) but it's still a very unique work in the genre... even if the military aesthetic sold through alt-universe Nazi protagonists is a bitter pill to swallow. Guess it's the price to pay for having both Shinji Hosoe and Yousuke Yasui soundtracks on deck.

Ninja Five-O aims to bring the GBA cultest of cult classics out of obscurity, and while that is grand... I'm just not very confident in Limited Run Games handling any game at all, particularly in their Carbon Engine solution to presenting these works. If things go better than feared for it, this is about as good an Elevator Action Returns-like one could ask for, and that's not a crowded niche by any means.


I don't have anything for this month, which is fine since Citizen Sleeper 2 came out yesterday, there are a few games in my backlog I really want to start and February is going to be a really tough month at work.

Date Everything was going to come out on Valentine's Day, but they've pushed to June. Which is fine because updates like this make me smile, and also dang that's a lot of stuff.

Before signing off on this typical game delay announcement, I'd like to update you on three things:

  • We've been fairly coy on revealing too much as we've gotten through this winter, but please look forward to many many more character and VA reveals over the coming months, along with sneak peeks of playthroughs.

  • Our final count now that we have finished development: 1,602,572 words, 74,053 voiced lines, 27,924 choices, 13,090 images, 5 hour and 6 minute soundtrack.

  • You can date of course the bugs, by the way. Their name is Daemon and I have a Love/Hate relationship with them currently.


Monster Hunter Wilds on February 28th. I'm not a big fan - I've only played World and that was kinda mid - but I'm willing to give it another spin. Might wait for a sale later in the year, though, since March and April are both stacked and they will eat up some time.

Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
Jupiter Hell is coming to consoles and it’s a gussied up Doom RL, which was a weirdly good combination of Doom and Roguelike


excused from moderation duty
Staff member
The Sims Legacy Collection and The Sims 2 Legacy Collection, rereleases (not remasters) of the original games for the 25th anniversary of the series, were surprise-released late enough yesterday that I'm counting them as February releases. Supposedly, only very minor changes were made, such as UI scaling to better handle high-resolution displays.

However, I'm uncertain about the quality of these versions. I see many reports of rampant and sudden crashing and other glitches, even without any DLC installed. Apparently the minor changes did not include any bugfixes. Community patches might still work. I won't be getting this until I hear that they've been improved, but considering it's, y'know, EA, I won't hold my breath.


My #1 game for February is the first half of Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, from Dontnod, the studio that did Vampyr, Jusant and, of course, Life is Strange, and it's being directed by Michel Koch, co-creator of the Life is Strange series. It details the exploits of four friends during a summer in 1995 and the repercussions of those exploits coming to bear in 2022. It's even more anticipated by LiS fans after the debacle that was Double Exposure, and from the trailers it seems Koch is working the same magic he did in LiS 1 & 2 before Squenix handed the series over to Deck Nine.

Will also get Civ 7 at some point for sure.
Monster Hunter Wilds.

I'm willing to be surprised by an off my radar indy game, but the only new game that I know I'm playing right now is Monster Hunter Wilds.

(I can't do anymore Civ games. Civ V I sunk way too much time into. Its a physical fitness and social fitness decision for me! Wish I had more self control!)


excused from moderation duty
Staff member

Wario Land 4 is being added to GBA Online on February 14. I guess its twin indie homages Pizza Tower and Anton Blast must be doing numbers. This platformer inherits the rich, aggressive action vocabulary of classic Wario, and applies it to a novel gameplay structure, in which you platform at a more leisurely, puzzle-solvey sort of pace in order to locate the treasure, and then run back through a modified, high-speed version of the same level in order to abscond with the loot before the whole place self-destructs.