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Elemental Who Would Win!


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Situation 1: Dola in her airship, Tiger Moth, against Toph on the ground. Dola's airship seems to be fairly resilient and has some powerful guns so I think Toph would need some hard rocky terrain to have enough ammo and protection to win but even then might not be able to. If the terrain is soft earth, clay, mud, etc. then I think Toph stands even less of a chance. But this does feel like too much of a mismatch to allow the airship. But I will give the advantage to Dola in this situation.

Situation 2: Dola on a Flaptor, a one man flying vehicle, against Toph on the ground. A Flaptor is fast and fairly durable but not as durable as the airship. I'm not sure if it even has any weapons. It has a smokescreen but that's pretty useless against Toph. So it can help Dola move around but doesn't seem to add much offensive capability and there is the possibility that Toph could metalbend it to use against Dola. But it might move too fast for her to do that. What I said about terrain for the airship also applies here. But I think I'm going to give the slight edge to Dola in this situation.

Situation 3: Dola in her car against Toph, both on the ground. Dola's car is fast and durable but I think it's a big liability. I think Toph will be able to hear and feel it coming from a long way away. I assume that the car will need either firm ground or solid rock (or pavement) in order to be able to move. If Dola was using the car to keep her distance and not driving too predictably then she could maybe avoid Toph's attacks and take enough potshots to put Toph down. But Toph could maybe use her earthbending to tear up the ground and make it impossible for Dola to maneuver or could use metalbending to just use the car to restrain Dola. I'm giving a slight edge to Toph on this situation.

Situation 4: Both contestants on foot, on the ground. I think in order to win this Dola would have to surprise Toph with her initial tear gas attack and then follow up with an immediate finishing blow to win the match. I don't know if her greed would let her do that or not. Hard terrain would give Toph more offensive and defensive power but softer ground could be used to trip and trap Dola. I think Toph has the edge in this situation.

So since Dola is a representative of air I think situation 2 is going to have to be how this matchup is allowed to take place and so I think Dola will manage to come out victorious (but probably not without some dings on her and her Flaptor).


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
The Big Bad Wolf has enough HP and speed to get in eating range of the squishy human with a gun. (Cartoon logic would also dictate that he'd be able to deflect any bullets aimed at him with a well-timed blow.)

Dola would probably have an advantage if she were airborne, but that depends on Toph being unable to echolocate a loud flying machine or accurately throw rocks at it. Gonna need a second opinion here.


I like to think the Big Bad Wolf as Bigby Wolf from Fables specifically and hoo boy, he's a hard-ass. Think Wolverine but with powers of the North Wind itself. He's definitely tougher than any single human.

I watched Laputa just last weekend and I feel like Dola can probably outsmart a whippersnapper like Toph. I don't think she'd go in for the kill, just a gentle trick to lure him out of bounds or something.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Toph is a no-nonsense fighter who can sense her opponent without line of sight.

Big Bad Wolf because I like Purple's logic. Also, let's not forget that in addition to being very big, he is very bad.

Johnny Unusual

Toph wins but through a narrow margin. Similarly, the Big Bad Wolf wins in a close game.

Dola and Anderson are eliminated.

Ninth Card


Stone Man vs Aang

It’s robot vs. kung fu nomad as Stone Man battles Aang. It’s not clear to me if Stone Man and his bricks are literal stone or not but it is clear that he has attacks somewhat similar to an Earth bender, making shields and shooting blasts of stone. He’s also a heavy, strong dude who is temporarily invincible when he willingly breaks down his body. Aang is an airbender but as the avatar, he too can bend Earth as well as the other elements. Though he cannot metal bend, he is extremely skilled in the four elements.

Tenth Card


The Rocketeer VS. Eartha Kitt

An under appreciated superhero character, Cliff Secord is an old-fashioned adventure hero. Meanwhile, Eartha Kitt is a smart, empathetic and outspoken icon. This is going to be an interesting one. Both have a loss. One of them will be eliminated.


I kinda feel like Aang should really be sticking to just air based abilities in a contest where everyone is representing an element, even if he has all of them covered. He still has an easy win though. Very dodgy little guy vs. someone who just kinda hops around and has a shield and all.

And I think Eartha Kitt could easily handle The Rocketeer. He's kind of a superhero sure, but only really has experience dealing with nazis, who are pretty pathetic as villains go, and has a known soft spot for actresses. Eartha Kitt on the other hand has gone toe to with freaking Batman. Overprepared, shark repellent spray on his belt Batman, even. Also? This happens to be the week where this battle overlaps with Christmas, the time that her powers are at their strongest, giving her the power to seduce even the mighty Santa and requisition a truly absurd array of things she might need to get an edge.

Johnny Unusual

I kinda feel like Aang should really be sticking to just air based abilities in a contest where everyone is representing an element, even if he has all of them covered. He still has an easy win though. Very dodgy little guy vs. someone who just kinda hops around and has a shield and all.
I agree. Stone Man isn't a push over but even in the early stages, Aang, like the best benders, is agile and a lateral thinker. Me might not be able to metal bend but I feel like he'd find away around Stone Man's defenses and be able to destroy or de-activate him.

And I think Eartha Kitt could easily handle The Rocketeer. He's kind of a superhero sure, but only really has experience dealing with nazis, who are pretty pathetic as villains go, and has a known soft spot for actresses. Eartha Kitt on the other hand has gone toe to with freaking Batman. Overprepared, shark repellent spray on his belt Batman, even. Also? This happens to be the week where this battle overlaps with Christmas, the time that her powers are at their strongest, giving her the power to seduce even the mighty Santa and requisition a truly absurd array of things she might need to get an edge.
When Cliff is approached by Eartha he wouldn't want to lay a hand on her but she would lay hands on him. He'll be a stammering mass before he knows what hit him.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Which version of Stone Man is this? Some wikis say that the version from Power Fighters is weak to Sonic Crush. Is that true?


Summon for hire
Earth is Aang’s weakest element, which is the only reason he might have to break a sweat taking down a robot master. But he’d certainly pull it out in the end.

And I’ll just agree with people above on Eartha.


Summon for hire
I didn’t get back to the thread in time for the previous match, but I was gonna narrowly give the first match to Toph anyway on account of metalbending (but it’d be a tough and interesting fight, and they definitely come out friends afterward), and I’d probably abstain on the second.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
It looks like Mega Man 5 Stone Man is weak to the Napalm Bomb so I don't think Aang has anything that quite macthes that. Even if he's only uses Air, Aang is still pretty powerful and can use a variety of attacks. He seems fairly resilient (as action cartoon heroes tend to be) so I don't think Stone Man can take him out with a single hit. Aang might get surprised and take a couple of hits and might also be stymied by Stone Man's invincibility period but I think he'll figure it out, adapt and eventually take Stone Man out. Aang wins.

I agree that Cliff wouldn't hit a lady and Eartha Kitt is definitely a lady. So he might just be hovering around wondering what to do. Eartha will take this opportunity to start talking to him. In the process she'll learn about Cliff's girlfriend Jenny Blake, the aspiring actress, Eartha will give some great relationship advice and also some advice for Jenny as an actress. Cliff will be so excited by this that he will rocket off to put it to practice and thus he will go out of bounds. Eartha wins by ring out but she becomes friends with Cliff and they go on to fight Nazis together.
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Johnny Unusual

Eartha wins by ring out but she becomes friends with Cliff and they go on to fight Nazis together.
I love how many of these are the completely non-toxic narrative is "the win isn't a big deal to either parties, it's whoever instigates friendship and wins over the other and now they are buds."


Round and round I go
Staff member
Aang is a shoo-in for this matchup, but I have a hard time believing Cliff could be defeated by Eartha.


space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
Even ignoring his earthbending abilities, Aang would be mobile enough to easily avoid any of Stone Man's attacks.

As for the other match, idk. I feel like The Rocketeer clearly has the firepower to beat Eartha, but she has a decisive edge here when it comes to the mental half of the fight.

Johnny Unusual

Aang wins in a complete shut out. Eartha moves on too. The Rocketeer is eliminated.

Steam Arena


First Card


The Sun Vs. The Loch Ness Monster

The Sun itself vs. a classic legend. The sun can swoop and moves quick but the Loch Ness Monster is known for it’s elusiveness and being hard to see. Which of these two strange creatures is going to come out on top? Whoever losses is eliminated for good!

Second Card


Koromaru VS. Draygon

A video game match up. There’s no question the good boy known as Koromaru can handle himself with a variety of magicks but Draygon is a big beast who can paralyze with nasty goo.


Round and round I go
Staff member
Dragon Sun. I'm sure there's a DS game by that name.

Nessie has no recourse against Angry Sun, who doesn't care about getting wet. Meanwhile, Draygon takes this on size alone, never mind her incredible endurance.

Johnny Unusual

The Sun sounds impressive... until you remember it can be knocked out by a turtle shell. I think the Sun is going to bother Nessie till she hits back and then it's done.

I haven't played the magic dog game but being an RPG character, I feel like Koromaru has way more options than the goo spewing crustacean.
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space hero for hire
(He/Him + RT/artee)
The Angry Sun has unlimited flight powers, which give it quite the advantage versus Nessie here. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it's combination of brightness and elevation allow it to see deeply enough into the water to obliviate Nessie's stealth advantage.

As for Draygon, the Super Metroid Speedrunning Wiki says that "Most top Super Metroid runners would agree that Draygon is overall the toughest fight to execute completely properly, especially in runs. Any missed timing during the fight can lead to disaster." She is big, fast, and strong (pick all three). (Also, the three skulls embedded in here head rule.)


Sun beats log. Fish beats dog.

Both of these have a serious problem of "where and how is this fight even taking place?" For the first, I can only imagine this taking place in a sidescrolling level. You've got the sun swooping down, as it does. You've got some sort of plesiosaurus popping it's head up on a big long neck and probably making a cool roar sound. Eventually the patterns are gonna line up, that sun's gunna hit that neck.

And I don't know what's going on in the second fight, but I do know Persona 3 combat tends to be rocket tag, where characters really just kinda have to stunlock enemies with their weak point or get dropped instantly, and not only does Draygon clearly win the initiative as a general thing, that dog has no lightning spells.


????? LV 13 HP 292/ 292
(he, him, his)
Mudoon Darkness: instant kill, 1 foe (high odds). (40% chance)

Mamudoon Darkness: instant kill, all foes (high odds). (35% chance)

Megidolaon Deals severe Almighty damage to all foes.

Evil Smile Instills Fear in all foes. (40% chance)

Ghastly Wail Instantly kills all foes who are fearful.

Stagnant Air Doubles ailment susceptibility to everyone for three turns.

Life Drain Drains a moderate amount of HP from one foe.

High Counter Counter physical attacks (high odds). (50% chance)
So it looks like Koromaru has more attacks than just Slash and Fire and can stay in the battle using Life Drain. I feel like it's possible for the Dog to beat the Drayg but it's not a fore*gone conclusion.



Oh I guess if we're talking late game Koromaru also unlocks Debilitate which downgrades basically every stat of the enemy and a bunch of critical-hit improving skills. Also what's basically a limit break that does a bunch of Dark damage. And if it's a full moon he could have an even more powerful physical attack...


Johnny Unusual


Third Card


Human Torch Vs. Focalor

A superhero with literal incredible fire power Vs. a powerful water demon. Supposedly Focalor’s hide is near impenetrable but the Human Torch has a mode were he can go “nova”. Whatever the case, this isn’t going to be one of our “they’d sit and hash it out” fights. This one is going to be a balls to the wall slobberknocker and the loser is out for good!

Fourth Card


Iroh Vs Katara

This is an interesting one. They were in the same battle on opposite sides (for a time) yet I don’t think these two ever had a canonical battle. Can anyone correct me on this? I mean, I could see a brief exchange mid retreat for Team Avatar but please let me know if there's something to look to for reference. Part of it is probably because Iroh is a lot less invested in actually fighting for his side than he was protecting and guiding Zuko. Anyway, certainly they wouldn’t have a reason to fight by the end of the series but it is certainly plausible these two would decide to spar. And though Katara is the physically less adept and younger of the two, she’s definitely one of the strongest benders of her era. Even a practice match would be an absolute blast to watch.
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A superhero who I think can fly and attack at range vs. the boss of a Castlevania game, and the old guy who knows all the things vs. a young kid in the same series means this is an easy vote for double fire.

Johnny Unusual

BTW, The Sun wins the last round but the round prior was a tie @Torzelbaum never gave an answer with his post so I'll keep the second card open a little while longer for SOMEONE to vote.

If no one responses, should this be a double KO (to move things along), a coin flip or a double pass with no extra wins?