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..and his little cat, too
Its been 5 years
so I should probably ask
who's Mega Man Volnutt?

MegaMan Volnutt is the star of the Mega Man Legends series, and has appeared in various other titles, including Namco X Capcom (precursor to the Project X Zone series you might know better, as unfortunately NXC was never localized) and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.

Thousands of years in the future, in a world covered by endless water, he is a Digger, whose job it is to explore the depths of ancient ruins and fend off Reaverbots in order to acquire Quantum Refractors, which is the energy source the technology of this world is powered by. He's also been known to take on Air Pirates, such as Tron Bonne and her family (who you might know from her own appearances outside of the series, including in several Marvel vs. Capcom titles and PXZ), when they appear to cause trouble.

There's more to him than that, of course, but... well, that would be telling.

Also, he's not technically stuck on the moon, but on a spherical orbiting satellite known as Elysium, but that's not as catchy.