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Comics Are Awesome! Great Moments in Sequential Storytelling (2020 - )


..and his little cat, too
Oh wow, it's kinda like The Lar-- wait, no, I don't want to inflict that here. This is supposed to be a good place.


The Goggles Do Nothing
Thinking about Countdown got me reading Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War again, and...


Gee, which lantern belongs to Guy Gardner?

Bro, you are in possession of the most powerful weapon in the universe, stop slapping your stickers on it!


can stop, will stop

The URL at the bottom of the image seems to be dead now, but it seems like new comics from this creator occasionally go up here. Looks like he's also got an Instagram but without an account I can't easily see how frequently he posts there either.
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Octopus Prime

Mystery Contraption
somewhere, Lex Luthor started a Reddit thread implying that Supergirl killed JFK so she’d have a shot at Jackie


Round and round I go
Staff member
These cops aren't practicing good trigger control, and the one who hasn't dropped his gun appears to be aiming for the other.