1) every Job has two inherent Specialities: one learned by default, the other upon Job mastery. Beastmaster's mastery Speciality is Creature Comforts, which boosts the respective character's stats (
all of them) based on how many monsters they've captured. The key is that every single monster counts, duplicates included, and each confers a flat boost regardless of the monster's relative strength; the Goblins outside the first town are as good a target as any. You can really go ham with this.
2) while the standard Capture command can be used, automating the process is what I wanted to see if it could essentially self-sustain itself. These are the Passive Abilities used as central ingredients:
- Beast Whisperer from Beastmaster, giving a 30% chance of capturing any defeated monster by that character.
- Indiscriminate Rage from Berserker, making every regular attack target all enemies at once, at the cost of delaying the character's next turn.
- Raw Power from Beastmaster, increasing physical attack power in increments of 10% for each time the Brave command is used that turn.
Those are the essentials, and practically mean when applied to an entire party of Beastmasters that every regular battle opens with sixteen individual attacks from the party, each targeting every enemy on screen, and each set of four attacks increasing in power by three increments of 10%, all of it performed by the overpowered base stats of a Capture-boosted Beastmaster. I've seen no enemy group survive past two characters' volleys, usually not even one. As this goes on, you are passively having the characters invisibly "level up" as they continue Capturing the monsters they defeat. It is a little silly. Slot in the Sub-Job of your choice to make use of the giant stats; Monk's always reliable, and Thieves with Godspeed Strike are out of control.
Because there are still Passive Ability slots left over, for fun I have everyone Mugging people to also accrue items, and using Aspir Attack in the unlikely situation that I need to heal, use other abilities or the like. This isn't really optimized in any way for anything but regular group encounters, but because the stat boosts end up becoming so severe I've been able to bumble through battles against the optional supermonsters hanging around the world map--defeating the sorts that lurk around the 150K HP threshold while the storyline bosses up to this point have topped maybe 40K. Those supermonsters, in every instance I've seen, possess exclusive and powerful equipment in their rare drops, placing the party even further ahead of the power curve.